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Key Takeaways from A Cup of Coffee with TESOL Experts: Work-Life Balance

July 16, 2021

Did you watch TESOL International Association’s webinar A Cup of Coffee with TESOL Experts: Work-Life Balance? If you missed it, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Here are some key takeaways from the TESOL coffee chat.

Keeping a healthy work-life balance in online environments

In this webinar, the expert panelists discussed the following question: how can we keep a healthy work-life balance in virtual environments? A healthy balance is incredibly important for your mental health, while an unhealthy one can lead to stress, anxiety, depression, and even dissatisfaction with being a teacher. In this chat, the expert panelists provided four tips for achieving a healthy work-life balance.

Enjoy the flexibility that comes with working from home

Working from home provides flexibility that many people didn’t have before. Take advantage of this and take short 15-minute breaks when you need to. Schedule your breaks and use a timer if you find it hard to actually take a break.

Rely on your colleagues or network

Lean on, learn from, and work with other teachers. Working from home in the middle of a pandemic can be isolating. Talk to each other! Create a community and share experiences, tips, tools, and resources.

Rely on your students and try to involve them

Designate one student to be your student helper for the week. For example, you could ask one student each week to lead a discussion or give a presentation. This will help reduce your work load and give your students the opportunity to learn and gain leadership skills in a different way.

Use technology wisely

From time to time, make sure to disconnect from technology. Take technology breaks when you need to and set limits for yourself if that helps you recharge and stay focused.

In summary

Pay attention to your body. If you’re tired, it’s okay to take a break. If you’re feeling burnt out, it’s okay to turn off your computer and your phone.

Teachers, what do you do to keep a healthy work-life balance? Let us know in the comments below!

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